Google Adwords

Google Adwords

Google Adwords
Google ads

Google adwords or PPC stands for Pay-per-click

In which the advertiser pays the fees to the publisher every time visitors click on their ads on search engines like Google (google adwords) and Bing. The advertisements will be shown on the top of the search engine result page. Apart from bringing traffic from organic, we can also drive traffic from paid ads. In pay-per-click advertising, ads are charged only when the user or visitor clicks on their ads. It requires proper planning and budgeting to bring traffic via paid ads and the cost of each ad, or CPC ( cost per click) depends upon the quality of your website and the targeted keywords selected. We can show our ads in three variations like Text, Image, Video. The best way to promote the products and services is through Google Adwords.

Google Adwords:

It is a tool that we use to promote our business products or services in paid ads on Google's platform. We can promote our products and services in four different ways, they are Search Network, Display ads, Video ads, and shopping Network.

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